As a licensed child care provider for the State of WV, First Presbyterian Church Preschool collects information for each student to assure child safety and best practices. An enrollment packet is provided for each student upon enrollment; however, sometimes a form is missing or needs to be replaced. Commonly used enrollment forms are provided in this section. Call the Preschool Office if an enrollment form you need is not found in this section. 304-343-8961
Non-medical emergency contacts form
Confidential information sheet for teachers
Permission slip for staff to administer specified first aid
Permission for Weekday students to attend field trips
List of persons approved to pick up student(s)
Permission for photo or video use
Front page of Medical Exam form
Back page of Medical Exam form
Sample of immunization form
Parent Handbook containing school policies
Consent form for Parent Handbook
Medical Emergency permission
Food Allergy Action Plan
Permission for insect repellent use