To inquire about possible employment options, contact Anne Moses, Preschool Director, at or by calling 681-205-1815.
Team Teaching:
Teaching teams of two share planning and classroom responsibilities. They are selected on the basis of education, experience, and ability to communicate with young children. A low teacher/child ratio is maintained in all classes. The younger the child, the fewer children in the classroom. The school operates ten months of the year, from August to May, and is closed in the summer months. Summer camps operate three separate weeks in the summer as opportunities for additional teaching time.
Interest in joining our staff at First Presby Preschool?
All staff members will be hired on a part-time basis with a variety of scheduling options. Employment terms run from August-May. If you are looking for part-time employment or are interested in substitute teaching, please send resume and job application to First Presbyterian Church Preschool OR