Director:  Anne Moses

Assistant Director:  Ginna Taylor



Welcome from the Director:

Welcome to the First Presbyterian Church Preschool.  Our staff works hard to make sure that your child(ren) have a safe environment to explore and create.  Our mission is to nurture the total child within a Christian educational environment.  We hope that you and your family feel welcome here at First Presby Preschool and welcome your feedback:

Our Goal

The goal of the First Presbyterian Preschool Program is  to nurture the total child within a Christian educational environment

Our Objectives:

For the child…

  • a sense of being a child of God and a member of the covenant community
  • a positive sense of self
  • a sense of curiosity
  • an expression of creativity
  • cognitive skills
  • gross and fine motor skills
  • and a positive social behavior

For the parents…

  • To provide opportunities to meet with and work with other parents and teachers who have their common concern the interests and needs of the preschool and their child
  • To provide opportunities to grow in the understanding of child development through a planned educational program and by working, under supervision, as a classroom volunteer in the Weekday School
  • To provide a developmentally appropriate program for the child while the parents pursue their work and other interests

For the Community:

  • To help meet the needs of the community for an early childhood education facility
  • to contribute to the wholesome growth and development of the future citizens of the community